XML Parsing... apparently server-side???... or just very com


Staff member
I recently bought a book on XML. There are various example codes in there, along with screen shots of the output... and also screen shots of the source code as viewed from the clients browser.

In my -limited- experience with XML I have noticed that my source code, when viewed from my browser, shows only XML. Of course the related stylesheets are referenced and I am capable of looking at their source codes through the browser, as well. But, when it comes down to it, I only see XML or XSLT or DTD or CSS, etc.

My confusion lies in the examples shown in my book. The author shows source code, post-parsing, as pure HTML. Apparently this authors browser (or server) is parsing the XML and XSLT, translating it into the associated HTML that the browser can interpret... and that HTML is the essence of the source code that one can view from a browser.

When I attempt the same coding as the examples in the book illustrate, I get what I normally get: XML, XSLT, etc. I dont know how or where the author is getting her HTML source code. If I am to follow her example, as her book training suggests, I dont know what I am doing wrong.

Does anyone know how I can get a browser (or my server) to parse XML (and associated stylesheets) into pure HTML, such that a visitor is incapable of seeing anything but HTML source code from their browser?