XML parsing and transforming (XSLT or otherwise)


New Member
I have several xml files that are formated this way:\[code\]<ROOT> <OBJECT> <identity> <id>123</id> </identity> <child2 attr = "aa">32</child2> <child3> <childOfChild3 att1="aaa" att2="bbb" att3="CCC">LN</childOfChild3> </child3> <child4> <child5> <child6>3ddf</child6> <child7> <childOfChild7 att31="RR">1231</childOfChild7> </child7> </child5> </child4> </OBJECT> <OBJECT> <identity> <id>124</id> </identity> <child2 attr = "bb">212</child2> <child3> <childOfChild3 att1="ee" att2="ccc" att3="EREA">OP</childOfChild3> </child3> <child4> <child5> <child6>213r</child6> <child7> <childOfChild7 att31="EE">1233</childOfChild7> </child7> </child5> </child4> </OBJECT></ROOT>\[/code\]How can i format it this way?:\[code\]<ROOT> <OBJECT> <id>123</id> <child2>32</child2> <attr>aa</attr> <child3></child3> <childOfChild3>LN</childOfChild3> <att1>aaa</att1> <att2>bbb</att2> <att3>CCC</att3> <child4></child4> <child5></child5> <child6>3ddf</child6> <child7></child7> <childOfChild7>1231</childOfChild7> <att31>RR</att31> </OBJECT> <OBJECT> <id>124</id> <child2>212</child2> <attr>bb</attr> <child3></child3> <childOfChild3>LN</childOfChild3> <att1>ee</att1> <att2>ccc</att2> <att3>EREA</att3> <child4></child4> <child5></child5> <child6>213r</child6> <child7></child7> <childOfChild7>1233</childOfChild7> <att31>EE</att31> </OBJECT> </ROOT>\[/code\]I know some C# so maybe a parser there? or some generic xslt? The xml files are some data received from a client, so i can't control the way they are sending it to me.L.E. Basically when i am trying to test this data in excel (for example i want to make sure that the attribute of childOfChild7 corresponds to the correct identity id) i am getting a lot of blank spaces. If i am importing in access to get only the data i want out, i have to do a thousands subqueries to get them all in a nice table. Basically i just want to see for one Object all its data (one object - One row) and then just delete/hide the columns i don't need.