XML parser error: entity not defined in all browsers


New Member
I wrote a simple XML file and a DTD file including an entity, but when I want to check it in my browsers I get the message:XML parser error: entity not defined.
Address: file:///Users/Mike/Documents/fb.xml
Row 8, column 22I tried to find an answer, most refer to an add-on problem with Firefox. I, however, get this message on Mac OS X 10.7 with Firefox, Chrome and Safari, and on Windows 7 with Firefox and Chrome. IE does nothing. (Opera on my Mac doesn't give me a message, but it doesn't show the text replacement either.)Here are my files.
DTD: \[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!ELEMENT example (some_list) ><!ELEMENT some_list (item+)><!ELEMENT item (element1, element2)><!ELEMENT element1 (#PCDATA) ><!ELEMENT element2 (#PCDATA) ><!ENTITY entity1 "1234567890" >\[/code\]XML:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE some_list SYSTEM "Allgemeine_Entities.dtd"><some_list> <item> <element1>Some Text</element1> <element2>more Text and &entity1;</element2> </item></some_list>\[/code\]As the problem appears in all my browsers, I assume it is not a browser specific problem.Thanks for your input.