I have gt a real big XML of around 10MB in size..That xml contains a lot of HTML tags.. So when i suppose to parse that xml with jquery i am suppose get the output with proper HTML formatting..But i am getting the plain text as the Output..Here is my jquery code which is fetching data from XML\[code\]<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function () { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "finaleve.xml", dataType: "xml", success: xmlParser });});function xmlParser(xml) { var markup = []; $(xml).find("event").each(function () { markup.push('<section><section><div class="mainevent" >' + $(this).find("name").text() +': '+$(this).find("tagline").text()+'</div><br><div class="description" >' + $(this).find("description").text() +'</div><br></section>'); $(this).find("subevent").each(function () { markup.push('<section><div class="maineventse">' + $(this).find("namese").text() +': '+$(this).find("taglinese").text()+'</div><br><div class="description1" >' + $(this).find("descse").text() +'</div><br></section>'); }); markup.push('</section>'); }); $(".slides").append(markup.join(""));}</script>\[/code\]I know the pure text is because of .text()..But i dont know its remedy..Can anybody suggest how to fetch the stuff with their HTML tags..???