below is code I'm using to parse XML file, however file has many records and I want to pagiante it, and display 20 records per page, I also want the pagination links at bottom of page so users can goto other pages as well, it should be something like, if no value is give then it will start from 0 to 20 else if value is 2 start from 40 and stop at sixty, test.php?page=2\[code\]<?php $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('xmlfile.xml', 0, true); foreach($xml->product as $key => $value) { echo "<a href="{$value->sku}\">$value->name</a>"; //echo $value->name; echo "<br>"; }//echo $xml->product->name;//$call = "xmlfile.xml";//$file = file_get_contents($call);//echo $file;?>\[/code\]Let me know if you need xml file too, but i think everything is clear