XML Not Loading in FF or IE, Works In Chrome


New Member
Please take a look at the following link:http://www.nba.com/warriors/audiotrack_test_000005.html?mark-jackson-on-the-danThis works properly (meaning it appends the audio track onto the page) in Chrome but fails at different points in Internet Explorer and Firefox.In IE it fails at the line:\[code\]xmlDoc=loadXMLDoc("http://api.soundcloud.com/users/goldenstatewarriors/tracks?client_id=02db8e29aa2fb5bf590f478b73137c67");\[/code\]In FF it fails at the line below that:\[code\]x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("track");\[/code\]I've never had a cross-browser XML loading problem like this before, but this is the first time I am loading XML from a server other than my own.Any solutions available? SoundCloud also offers JSON but I have not worked with that much...