XML joins


New Member
Hi,Here's my problem. I have 2 XML files. One file contains data and the othermetadata. To render data i'm using XSL.Following is a simplified example:data XML<doc><fld key='1' val='20'/><fld key='2' val='21'/><fld key='3' val='22'/></doc>metadata XML<doc><fld key='1' lbl='Label for field 1'/><fld key='2' lbl='Label for field 2'/><fld key='3' lbl='Label for field 3'/></doc>Is it possible to write XSL so i can get data from one XML file and fieldcaptions from another? I understand i can merge two files together but thesize of metadata is quite big. I'm using XML SDK 3.0Thanks for any input.Vitaly Mikitchuk.