xml/javascript resolution


Staff member
This post references my previous post, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://news.devx.com/cgi-bin/dnewsweb.exe?cmd=article&group=xml.general&item=2723&utag=.Russell">http://news.devx.com/cgi-bin/dnewsweb.e ... g=.Russell</a><!-- m -->, thanks for your response. As it turned out, the <br> tag was notthe issue....I had enclosed my Javascript function in <![CDATA[ ..functiongoes in here.. ]]> tags to hide it from the XSLT translator, but unfortunatelythat was hiding the code I was trying to return. As a resolution, I changedthe code I returned from:return '<center><b>Title</b></center><xsl:value-of select="ROW[2]/NAME"/>';to:return '<center><b>Title</b></center>]]><xsl:value-of select="ROW[2]/NAME"/><![CDATA[';Closing the CDATA tag before the XSL statement must have allowed the XSLTtranslator to process the code I returned. Anyhow, I thought I'd post thisin case anyone has run into this sort of XML crapola before.Regards,Chris Fidyk