XML - i have no idea


New Member
I am having a heck of time figuring out how to use XML, where it'sapplicable, why we should use it, etc... I mean say I get data from adatabase, so I just send back an XML file to the browser? How does it getrendered in any intelligible format? Do I create a file on the server, andthen have an html file access that XML file? What about when 10k peopleaccess the site, do I have 10k XML files on my server all being accessed, orjust one (what if they are different types of requests). Or does it getdownloaded to the client (and then again, how does it display?)I'm just really curious, it's all eluded me so far... I find it far easierto just use databases and be done with it, is it a portability issue? Can Icreate relationships between XML files (like an order table, which has linksto a customer table?)I just want to know, I've always avoided XML in my solutions planning citingit as a buzzword, but it's getting to be a rather big buzzword now, andmaybe I've been completely wrong, enlighten me please! :)C