XML Help please, domain reseller


Staff member
Hey I was hoping for a little help. I am a Domain reseller for Aplus.net. The problem is they really don't provide an API to automate Domain searches, registering etc... I see much potential in Aplus.net, even though they don't provide an easy way to sell there Domains.

I am a student, working on this project. I started my own business: Web Hosting and other Internet Services. I do have my own server. I would like to be able to have my customers search for a domain name; Query it, if its available automate the rest of the process i.e. registering, transfering etc... I have all the XML code to do this however its way over my head, apparently several programmers with Masters degrees designed this stuff and it really looks awesome, however I am just working towards a bachelors, so some of this script is extremely complicated to me.

So I was hoping someone could provide me with an example of how to do a simple Search function, using the XML code I provide. I just need a very basic example soon as I can identify and explain what抯 happening, later I can complicate it some more :) . I would really appreciate it if someone could help me, I really want a good grade on this assignment, and I would like to see this business succeed as well.

Here is the code, and what I need exactly.

If you go to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.digipowerhost.net">www.digipowerhost.net</a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.digipowerhost.net">http://www.digipowerhost.net</a><!-- m -->) you will see a search field on the left side of the page, it has a box that says yourdomain. And a drop box to select your TLD, then a "go" button.

Now what code goes behind the "go" button to start the search?

What I am asking exactly is "How do I implement this search function code behind the search box?" If I am not making myself clear let me know, I will do my best to explain, or if you feel you really want to help I would be glad to give you my 800 number and you are welcome to call my office for free.

Ok here is the code that I believe is the Request. How is this implemented behind the "go" button on my web page? I just need a generic example to give me an idea of how this works.

<xs:elementname="suggestions"type="xs:boolean" default="false" minOccurs="0"/>

Ok now for the results of the search. After a person clicks go and executes the above commands I want a result, that being a CheckDomainResponse either the response will be "failed" meaning the domain is already in use and will provide suggestions for another domain name or it will succeed and give the customer the ability to continue and register the domain. Here is the code for the failed response.

<xs:elementname="domain" type="domainRef" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Now if the customer types in a domain that was not in use the success page would also display a list of suggestions as well. So the above code could be a success page as well. Then it would give the customer the ability to continue and register the domain.

Now all I need is an example of how this search would be implemented. The code behind the "Go" button and the resulting page after the go button is pressed. I do have the schema, is that placed in the home directory with the rest of my main pages?

I would appreciate the help, this is kind of confusing me, and If I seen an example of how this would be implemented I think I could better explain and see how it works and continue with the rest of my site implementing the rest of the XML code.