Not sure if it is just me getting tired I have now gotten the PHP to filter the XML with $msisdn = $_GET['msisdn']; the XML displays the rows I queried\[code\]<lbs_><lbs_ msisdn="0716747***" radius="5500" lats="-28.1076" longs="26.9197" type="marker"/><lbs_ msisdn="0716747***" radius="5.5km" lats="-28.1076" longs="26.9197" type="marker"/></lbs_>\[/code\]When I did not apply the query and $_GET it showed the markers, now that i have the filter right the markers does not show. When remove the $_GET in the PHP query then i get the following XML\[code\]<lbs_><lbs_ msisdn="0792***230" radius="0" lats="0" longs="0" type="marker"/><lbs_ msisdn="0824***725" radius="600" lats="-26.1923" longs="28.3075" type="marker"/><lbs_ msisdn="0716***29" radius="5500" lats="-28.1076" longs="26.9197" type="marker"/><lbs_ msisdn="0716***329" radius="5.5km" lats="-28.1076" longs="26.9197" type="marker"/><lbs_ msisdn="08279***19" radius="1728" lats="-26.2751" longs="28.2135" type="marker"/>\[/code\]Is it due to the $_GET that it is not displaying the Markers on the map