XML encoding - handling foreign lang chars


Staff member
Still having this problem.BinaryRead does not work since cannot convert what is receivedto something that loadXML will swallow. I tried converting thebyte array that comes from binaryread using this:ByteCount = UBound(inByteArray)TempString = Space(ByteCount + 1)For i = 0 To ByteCountMid(TempString, i + 1, 1) = Chr(inByteArray(i))NextSomewhere along the way the Chr aborts on some bad value.The real problem:My client application prompts the user for their full name. Sincethe user could be in France, for instance, the name could have non-UScharacters.The name is wrapped in XML and sent to an ASP on my server where I:set xmldoc = createobject("msxml2.domdocument.3.0") 'uses msxml3.dllxmldoc.load(Request)But this gives the error:An invalid character was found in the text context.I tried specifying a processing instruction on the client to setthe encoding to "UTF-8" as the XML doc is built. Same error.Then I tried "UTF-16" and get the error:Switch from current encoding to specified encoding not supported.So, how do I handle these foreign language characters???Please email me: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->!Note: I also tried ISO-8859-1 and Windows-1252 encoding, no luck.