XML Driven Calculators


Staff member
I hope I explain this correctly. I am a complete beginner to XML and web services etc. My boss is aware I'm new to this field but has asked me to investigate.

Basically, my employer has asked me to develop some financial calculators that will run via the company website. How I envisage this working, is have an area on the company website that starts off with a data capture screen. At this point, I want one of two possibilities.

1. A html form with various fields to fill out and submit. When this form is submitted, I'd like it to create an XML file of the data captured, and feed this into the variables in the ASP.NET 2.0 VB source code.

2. The other option will be to feed an XML file directly from a local file on an users machine.

Once this is done, I want this data to be available for use in various financial calculators such as mortgage calculations etc. on the site, until which point the user leaves the site area (thus clearing the data from memory), or chooses to refresh the data with different data.

Does anybody have any resources I can read up on how to do this, or can anybody recommend a good book with working examples that I can read?

Hope I've been clear as to what I want. As I'm new to this area of web programming, I'm not sure if I have been clear.