
New Member
I'm having a problem appending childs to parents. I can do this if I am onlydown a single level/parent but I can not do this when I'm inside multiple's/child's.It seems like there should be some way to specify which parent you are addingthe child to. All of the examples I've seen do not show you how to do this.For example, lets say I have the following:<client><phone><work><areacode/><phonenumber/></work><home><areacode/></home></phone><fullname><first/><middle/><last/></fullname></client>How would I APPEND to /client/phone/home/ and create a <phonenumber> node?This is a bad example but I think you can get the idea of what I'm tryingto figure out.Any help would be very much appreciated....Thanks,Greg Rothlander