xml dataset with links


New Member
I want to create a dataset in XML with links for the graphic library FusionCharts. My code works, but I doubt it is the best way. What I want is to click on a value in a graph, and receive a popup with its value.Code fragment:< dataset seriesName='Costs'>\[code\] < set value='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12584761/27400' link="JavaScript: isJavaScriptCall=true; alert('Value: 27400');"/> < set value='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12584761/29800' link="JavaScript: isJavaScriptCall=true; alert('Value: 29800');"/> < set value='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12584761/25800' link="JavaScript: isJavaScriptCall=true; alert('Value: 25800');"/> < set value='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12584761/26800' link="JavaScript: isJavaScriptCall=true; alert('Value: 26800');"/> < set value='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12584761/31900' link="JavaScript: isJavaScriptCall=true; alert('Value: 31900');"/>\[/code\]< /dataset>How can I accomplish this without repeating my code or filling in the numbers manually ( I prefer alert('Value='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12584761/value) over alert('Value: 27400'); )Hopefully you can help me.Thanks in advance