xml data binding and updates


New Member
Hi,I'm wondering could someone point me in the right direction. I am not sureif what I am doing is the best way.Heres the scenario, I have xml data that is displayed using hierarchicaltables (3 levels) in IE5. This works perfectly. I know want to allow theuser to edit the data and save it back to the database. I am struggling withthe concept of tracking the changes that are made.1) I am considering having an extra element called "changed" at each levelwhich I set when the user changes a value of that "record" in the table.The problem with this is that when a value is changed there is no obviousway of changing another element on the same row. (Seems to work Ok at toplevel but on the nested levels I cannot seem to access the underlying rowin the recordset that has changed) I can find the field changed using cellchangedevent2) Should I just send the entire xml to the server and determins what haschanged?Am I approaching this in the correct manner?? Are there any other ways Icould try this? I assume what I am doing here is common?ThanksSean