xml cross port on same server?


New Member
hey all,i have an apache server on port 8080 and apache tomcat on 8181.i want to call a command in apache from tomcat. this command is a php script found on the apache server port 8080.i use jquery inside a javascript function on tomcat server, using $.ajax. sthg like:\[code\]function fct(){$.ajax({ type: "GET", url: pathofApache8080 + "script.php", cache: false, data:"blablabla", dataType: "xml",\[code\] success: function(xml){}\[/code\]});}\[/code\]now currently this works except that the xml that the php file should return is not being returned. i thought it considers it as cross domain issue, i installed jquery plugin for cross domain found at this site: http://github.com/jamespadolsey/jQuery-Plugins/blob/master/cross-domain-ajax/jquery.xdomainajax.jsthis plugin works fine if i try it for lets say google.com, or any other site... it just doesnt work when i call from my apache tomact to apache which are on same server different ports...is there anything as cross port issue? or is it a configuration in php.ini file that i should modify?any suggestions?thanks a lot:)