XML comparison - with a slight twist

eXigenT * odt

New Member
Here is the problem that I am trying to solve. [*]I have two folders which contain XML files. [*]One folder - lets say "source" folder - contains around 350,000 XML files. [*]Another folder - lets say "compare" folder - contains the same 350,000 XML files and a few more. [*]The 350,000 files that are present in both have the same names. Exact same. [*]However, the files in "source" are slightly different from the files in "compare". The files in compare may (or may not) have some extra nodes. [*]I need to compare the "identically named files" from "source" and "compare". If - for each file in "source" - all the nodes that are present in file of "source" are present in the file of "compare" - I need to produce a Ok report.[*]If not, i.e. [*]there is some file in "source" that is not present in "compare" [*]in any file of "source" there is some node that is not present in the corresponding file of "compare" [*]Then I need to create a error report with the details of what is missing. I am currently pursuing Java + XMLUnit for this problem and am not sure if that can solve it. Even if it is, I am definitely not sure if this is the most optimal choice of tool. Any help / suggestion will be much appreciated.