XML/C++ Integration tools


New Member
If there are any C++ programmers out there that needto work with XML, it will be worth a moment of your timeto see how this works.This example was tested in Linux/Sun/NTgcc and VCPP makefiles and source are included.It creates a run time object model from XML input.A small tight framework allows you to create objectsfrom an XML input stream.Download from:http://www.designerxml.com/Download/XMLIntegrationSRC.ziphere's a small snippit for creating objects from XML input.-------------------------------------------------------------------------ObjQuery<MyCustomer> qry(&broker, "MYXMLInputFile.xml");ObjResultSet<MyCustomer> &resultSet = qry.Execute();MyCustomer *pCust;while ( ( pCust = resultSet.next() ) != 0 ){// For each MyCustomer object returned in the query....}-------------------------------------------------------------------------here's a small snippit for populating objects that already exist.-------------------------------------------------------------------------MyCustomer m;m.FromXML(pzMyXMLBuffer);-------------------------------------------------------------------------or converting an objects state into XML-------------------------------------------------------------------------MyCustomer m;m.m_name="foo";m.ToXML(pzMyXMLBuffer);-------------------------------------------------------------------------<MyCustomer> is derived from a simple base classwith a virtual method that defines XML-Object tag mappings.MFC Dialogs derived from this type can "UpdateData"so to say directly from XML into member CStrings thatare DDX bound to the GUI.CORBA and RougeWave applications in Unix likewisecan serialize directly into RWCStrings and load objectstate with almost-no overhead.enjoy. any Comments/Suggestions/Questions.......?