XML Bridge for SAP off alphaworks


New Member
Three new things of interest from IBMXML Bridge for SAP-----------------------------------------------------------The XML Bridge for SAP is designed to provide XML integration between SAPR/3 systems on the one side and arbitrary SAP R/3 or non-SAP systems on theother side.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/xmlbridge4sap?open&l=xml.g,t=gr,p=x.SAPInternationalization">http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/xmlb ... nalization</a><!-- m --> tutorial-----------------------------------------------------Internationalization teaches your Java programs to speak in tongues. Throughthe use of the ingenious Locale object, you can design your programs forlocalization with a minimum of effort and a maximum of portability. Withlocalized strings, currencies, numbers, dates, and GUI components, "writeonce, run anywhere" takes on a whole new meaning...<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www2.software.ibm.com/developer/education.nsf/java-onlinecourse-bytitle?open&l=510,t=gr,p=j.internat">http://www2.software.ibm.com/developer/ ... j.internat</a><!-- m -->