XML axis properties do not support late binding

El Xando

New Member
Im having a problem with the XML in this function and many functions like it.ErrorXML axis properties do not support late binding.Namespace\[code\]Imports Microsoft.VisualBasicImports System.WebImports System.IOImports System.Xml.Linq\[/code\]Function\[code\]Public Shared Function get_intro(ByVal root_folder As String) As String Dim content As String = "" Dim docXML = XDocument.Load(root_folder & print_shop_doc) Dim intro_doc = From doc In docXML...<d:printshopdoc> _ Select New With {.intro = doc.<d:intro>.Value} content = "<p" & no_indent & ">" & intro_doc(0).intro & "</p>" & vbCrLf Return contentEnd FunctiondocXML...<d:printshopdoc> \[/code\]seems to be where the error is occurring and I'm not quite sure how to fix it.Thanks in advanced