XML and Variables


New Member
I'm working on a project and have a problem.I've recently established that one cannot change variable values and can't seem to find a work around for this problem. I need to create the code to be generic and I can't get this right.My XSLT Code.........\[code\] <tracklist> <xsl:for-each select = "VinylRecord/Tracks/Song"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test = "@Track = 1"> <xsl:element name="side{@Side}"> <xsl:variable name = "d" select = "@Track"/> <xsl:for-each select = "../Song"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test = "@Side = ../Song/following:: @Side"> <track> <xsl:attribute name = "no"> <xsl:value-of select = "@Track" /> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name = "runtime"> <xsl:value-of select = "Length" /> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:value-of select = "text()" /> </track> </xsl:when> </xsl:choose> </xsl:for-each> </xsl:element> </xsl:when> </xsl:choose> </xsl:for-each> </tracklist>\[/code\]XML document............\[code\] <Tracks> <Song Side="A" Track="1"> The Nerve <Length>2.58</Length> </Song> <Song Side="A" Track="2"> Backfire <Length>3.22</Length> </Song> <Song Side="A" Track="3"> Clipping <Length>4.05</Length> </Song> <Song Side="A" Track="4"> Spotlight <Length>3.21</Length> </Song> <Song Side="A" Track="5"> No Response <Length>4.01</Length> </Song> <Song Side="A" Track="6"> Pins and Needles <Length>4.05</Length> </Song> <Song Side="B" Track="1"> Goodbye <Length>4.09</Length> </Song> <Song Side="B" Track="2"> Odds <Length>3.01</Length> </Song> <Song Side="B" Track="3"> Electrify <Length>3.49</Length> </Song> <Song Side="B" Track="4"> Armistice <Length>3.54</Length> </Song> <Song Side="B" Track="5"> Lost Year <Length>3.13</Length> </Song> <Song Side="B" Track="6"> Burden <Length>9.06</Length> </Song> </Tracks>\[/code\]...Any tips would be greatly appreciatedExpected Result...............This is only a snippet of the overall program displayed above, but the result is suppose to show as: \[code\] <tracklist> <sideA> <track no="1" runtime="2.58">The Nerve</track> <track no="2" runtime="3.22">Backfire</track> <track no="3" runtime="4.05">Clipping</track> <track no="4" runtime="3.21">Spotlight</track> <track no="5" runtime="4.01">No Response</track> <track no="6" runtime="4.05">Pins and Needles</track> </sideA> <sideB> <track no="1" runtime="4.09">Goodbye</track> <track no="2" runtime="3.01">Odds</track> <track no="3" runtime="3.49">Electrify</track> <track no="4" runtime="3.54">Armistice</track> <track no="5" runtime="3.13">Lost Year</track> <track no="6" runtime="9.06">Burden</track> </sideB> </tracklist>\[/code\]