XML and its applications in government


Staff member
Learn how XML can benefitgovernment departments and agenciesThis symposium will equip you with clear ideas for how government IT professionalscan implement XML to dramatically improving 揅onstituent Self-Service?andinformation exchange within government agencies. The sessions feature expertsand practitioners who have key lessons to share on how to use XML as partof the solution to streamline the self-service process.Maximize your office抯 ability to successfully utilize XML technologyThis seminar will give you the opportunity to analyze your current systemsand develop tailored XML implementation strategies for your department oragency, based on lessons learned by others already using XML in government.Discover the pros and cons of using XML before you begin in order to saveyourself time and money. Learn how to motivate key decision-makers to takeadvantage of XML technology as part of their E-Government efforts.Paperless government is within our reach thanks to Internet innovations,and XML is at the heart of the revolution. We hope you will join us at theONLY program specifically developed to address government applications ofXML as we explore this promising new standard for the exchange of information.Space at this event will be limited.Register yourself and your team today by callingChristian Dunn (703)519-6270.The Performance Institute