XML advice


Staff member
Hi Guys. Ive recently started using XML, PHP and mySQL having mastered the client-side of web development (HTML, JS, CSS).

I have assigned myself a project to learn and integrate the above languages:
Basically I was thinking of having my cd collection stored in one xml file, my video collection in another xml file, my photo collection in another and my documents and others all in seperate XML files (PS Im only talking about the information on each file not an actual cd, video, photo... collection).

Then I would like to store these seperate .xml files into a single (or seperate) mySQL database(s).

If I then want to search, say for example, a specific artists name in my cd collection I can retrieve my "cd.xml" file from the database and check to see if I have a matching criteria.

DONT WORRY :confused: Im not asking for source code. As I said I would like to learn as I go along so preferably would like to take this on myself,
although I would like a bit of guidance...so here a few questions (and remarks), that if you could answer would help me out alot.

i) The first [1] part is easy as far as I can see by making an XML file for each item and validating it using either DTD or XML schema, I got that covered thanks.

ii) The second [2] part Im a bit confused on. Can you actually store whole .xml files into a mySQL database? If not is there any way round this? (If you know of any link or topic heading that could help me out, could you please provide it).

iii) I think that the third part can be done using javascript XML DOM, am I right? Is there a better way? (keep in mind I already know javascript).

Preferably I would like to use PHP for parts [2] and [3] but as long as I understand how to do this that would do me.
If you know of any links to a similar project, please let me know. Thankyou.