XHTML is killin' my layout - please help!


Ok Ok, so my homepage is looking good - all the content pages of it are XTHML certified and valid.. BUT my main page is just killing me! It uses an IFRAME to view the content pages so those don't present any problems. It's just..a lot of the tags/attributes I use aren't XHTML valid and I want to bring them up to that standard without sacrificing the layout and look.<br />
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So I've run into two problems:<br />
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1) XHTML standards don't allow for the bordercolor="#xxxxxx" attribute on the table tags. Therefore I would like to know what code would be neccessary to put the bordercolors into a cascading style sheet.<br />
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2) How can I bring this code up to standards without sacrificing my layout?? :( You can check out the site as it stands now at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www10.brinkster.com/supashad/index2.htm">http://www10.brinkster.com/supashad/index2.htm</a><!-- m --><br />
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The certifications at the bottom do hold true for all parts of the site EXCEPT the page they're on.. lol - I just can't clean the code up without sacrificing the layout so anyone with any ideas/code modification would be most appreciated. I've attached the page as I've modified it now to have correct code (everything is closed and all tags should be nested correctly) - as you can see it's strangely out of place if you check out my site online. Thanks for the time! (Oh and forgive the ugly red x's..again, it's just so you can see what happens when I fix all the code. The attachment has been scanned and verified as XHTML compliant but I really REALLY don't want it to look like that!)<br />
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EDIT:<br />
=====<br />
Oh and also - I don't use any programs, I code strictly in notepad (if that matters...).<!--content-->i don't know jack about xhtml, but i know the CSS:<br />
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<style><br />
table {<br />
border: red medium solid;<br />
}<br />
</style><br />
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you can substitute double (possibly also other things) for solid and thin or thick for medium. (or use px)<!--content-->Hey that worked great...XHTML is basically the same as HTML - it's just more strict and enforces a strict, efficient and well formed page.<!--content-->