XHTML 1.0 - Embed element and FLASH problem


Greetings...<br />
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I have written some code (XHTML 1.0 transitional) which validates fine. The <br />
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page is ok under IE4+ and Mozilla 1.0+...<br />
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My problem are some FLASH animations....Validating with the embed element in <br />
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the code (in the object element) triggers an error on the validator. Removing <br />
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the element <embed>, FLASH appears on IE but under Mozilla nothing...<br />
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Is the embed tag deprecated...?<br />
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Can someone shed some light.....?Help.....!<!--content-->Originally posted by cssrules <br />
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Is the embed tag deprecated...?<br />
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No, embed was never even in the specs. It's an old proprietary NS tag.<br />
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The correct tag to use is <object><br />
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This article show exactly how to do it correctly<br />
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