Xerces: Check for inline tag in endElement


New Member
I'm doing a Location Aware DOM Parser. But for this I should implement endElement and store the location of the tag start.But when I have a element with no child the endElement is called before the method \[code\]startElement\[/code\].I'm extending xerces \[code\]AbstractDOMParser\[/code\].\[code\]void LocationAwareDOMParser::endElement(const xc::XMLElementDecl &elemDecl, const unsigned int urlId, const bool isRoot, const XMLCh *const elemPrefix){ const xc::Locator* locator = getScanner()->getLocator(); elementStartLine = (int) locator->getLineNumber(); elementeStartColumn = (int) locator->getColumnNumber();}\[/code\]There is some way to discover if this is a inline tag?