XDR schemas within DOM document


New Member
I am attempting to use the DOMDocument object to create and edit XML fileswith inline XDR schemas. Using Microsoft's cryptic documentation, I believeI have correctly instructed the DOMDocument object to created a validsample schema, which produces the following XML output:<?xml version="1.0"?><DocumentContent xmlns:data="x-schema:#InlineSchema"><Schema name="InlineSchema" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft.com:xml-data"xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes"><ElementType name="Hierarchy" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" content="eltOnly"><element type="TreeNode"/></ElementType><ElementType name="TreeNode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="*" content="eltOnly"><AttributeType name="NodeKey" dt:type="id"/><AttributeType name="Caption" dt:type="string"/><element type="TreeNode"/></ElementType></Schema><Hierarchy/></DocumentContent>However, when invoking the Validate method of the DOMDocument object, italways returns the response: "Validate failed because the root element hadno associated DTD/schema"Likewise, any methods which rely on explicit data type definitions (suchas nodefromID) also return null results.Can anyone please explain what I need to do in order to activate the definedschema? Also, if anyone can suggest a reference source which explains DOMmore clearly than Microsoft'sown documentation, it would be very helpful.Many thanks for your helpTim Coulter