XAMPP + Perl + PHP. Not sure how to run Perl script


New Member
This is very stupid but I seem to be completely lost trying to test a Perl command-line application with XAMPP. I downloaded the 'ExifTool by Phil Harvey' and extracted the files in a folder within htdocs with an \[code\]index.php\[/code\] in it, in which I hope to set up a PHP interface to the functionalities provided by ExifTool. Actually I can't even run a simple "Hello World" Perl script to run from a PHP script and handle the output. I tried using \[code\]shell_exec\[/code\] but not sure if I'm putting the right commands in. (\[code\]./exiftool t/images/ExifTool.jpg\[/code\], but the output is nothing.)[I'm trying to make a website where I can upload an image and have the exif info displayed with the help of ExifTool assuming \[code\]./exiftool -j t/images/ExifTool.jpg\[/code\] returns some nice JSON data. But I'm not sure how to get it to work to begin with :( Thanks.]