x64 PC cannot connect to Salesforce from classic ASP


New Member
I can connect to Salesforce using classic ASP on my x86 computer, but when I try to connect on my x64 (Windows 7) PC, I get error: "ActiveX component can't create object". The code I use is: Set SforceApi = server.CreateObject("SForceOfficeToolkit4.SForceSe?ssion4")I downloaded and installed the Office Toolkit. Also copied the "SF_MSApi4.dll" into the "sysWOW64" folder and registered it there using "regsvr32.exe". (also tried in the System32 folder).I have NO problem connecting the x64 PC to Salesforce with following VBA (from word doc):
Set g_sfApi = New SForceOfficeToolkitLib4.SForceSession4Just can't get it to work on the x64 in Classic ASP.Any suggestions?Thanks!