www or no www?


New Member
I'm configuring a new site and now I wanted to do it right from the beginning, so should I use http://www.yourdomain.com or yourdomain.com and how to make sure they both get equal PR..?How do you deal with that problem?As far as the usage goes, check out this thread:http://www.ozzu.com/ftopic51806.htmlI use http://www.domain.com, and I setup domain.com as a 301 redirect in .htaccess.I would use the shortest as possable.why?If they type domain.com into their browser, and they're automatically forwarded to http://www.domain.com/ how does it make a difference?Because if you end up selling your domain, you will get a higher amount.what?A domain name is a domain name. Whether you use domain.com or http://www.domain.com to host your site it doesn't make a DIFFERENCE.And just look at any of the major sites.http://google.com/http://cnn.com/http://microsoft.com/They ALL forward to www. URLs."They ALL forward to www. URLs"I know this, I think we are both on a different page, by shortest as possable, I am refering to 3 char .coms, 3 char .coms sell for more and are indexed faster.Axe wrote:could you explain in few simple words what a 301 redirect is and how to do it.The thread pointed to is not exactly connected to thisthanks, MikeBorrowed from tamingthebeast.com...I would link, but I had to dig out bits and pieces to simplify the post for a simple how-to instruction.Quote:Check thishttp://geocities.yahoo.comhttp://www.geocities.yahoo.comSo www and no www lead to different sites.That's because you're looking at a subdomain....lowster11 wrote:lowster11 wrote: