www is important?


New Member
I am new in seo. I want to know what is the importance of www in seo.
If i have site http://example (dot) com and building links of it.
what is the best url in this two.

http://www (dot) example (dot) com
http:// example(dot) com

please mention in brief. www means world web wide.
for any url http and www boths are needed when combined both, than it bring web page from server and further make link from that sites. SEO is the most important thing in order to bring your website on search engine.The two way where from you can bring your website up.On page SEO and Off page SEO work.Both are important. i will say keep one format at wherever that is with www or without www

Because many sites without www are ranking good in search engines and are very popular...one example is digg... Hi,

There is no better URL: example.com is as good as www.example.com, but you shoudl follow these rules:
- choose a prefered URL (with or without www)
- always use the prefered URL on your website and in other communications
- use a 301 redirect from the non-prefered URL to the prefered URL

Jean-Luc @sakshamthaker

I think you're talking about the preferred domain or canonical domain. Well, we all know that in SEO, search engine like Google might treat the www and the non-www versions of your site as two different sites. If you're going to start your link building campaign for your website, make sure to set up your preferred domain first. If you have already started building links for your site without even setting up your canonical domain, you can still get the most out of your outdated links by doing http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=93633 the server will re-point/direct them to http://www.yourdomain.com

^_- Answers your question & saves you the hassle of figuring out what is best. You can set a preferred domain in Google Webmasters too, but it would be better to go with 301 redirect. any one, is good. but you must confirm one of them, and use that domain get backlinks and internal links. I think www is not compulsory but with www site look professionally. I have a example digg.com.