Writing XML line every frame in 30FPS


New Member
Here is my code:\[code\]float timeInterval = 1 / [frameRateTextField floatValue]; recordingTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:timeInterval target:self selector:@selector(recordingTimerSelector:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];- (void) recordingTimerSelector:(NSTimer*)timer{ NSXMLElement *timecode = [[NSXMLElement alloc] initWithName:@"timecode"]; [timecode setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@,%@,%@,%@,%@",[DMXChannelArray objectAtIndex:0], [DMXChannelArray objectAtIndex:1], [DMXChannelArray objectAtIndex:2], [DMXChannelArray objectAtIndex:3], [DMXChannelArray objectAtIndex:4]]]; [root addChild:timecode]; time = time + 1; [theRecordingTime setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", time]];}\[/code\]Is this the best way to go about doing this? I'm basically making a "recorder" with a resolution of 30FPS. Is there a way to make it go with the actual time, instead of being a separate entity? It might make it more accurate. Like:\[code\]10:40:41.0 - record element10:40:41.3 - record element10:40:41.6 - record element\[/code\]Thanks!