Writing pages for PDAs


Anyone know a good resource for help in writing pages for PDAs?<!--content-->Hello Sherpa<br />
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Can you elaborate your query plzz. I did not understood what do you want exactly.<br />
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Amruta..<!--content-->Read this for more:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.cewindows.net/commlink/pie20.htm">http://www.cewindows.net/commlink/pie20.htm</a><!-- m --><!--content-->There is a company called AvantGo that makes the correct pages for you. They have a free version, but you must fit the requirements perfectly because they are in hot demand (or so they say).<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.avantgo.com">http://www.avantgo.com</a><!-- m --><!--content-->I think prodeveloping's suggestion of avantgo.com will probably do. What I want to do is have some pages properly setup so if someone with a Palm or CE device hits my site they don't get over run with images, just bear minimum of info. Like I said avantgo.com looks like it's got good info but I've never done a redirect, can someone give me some tips including redirecting for Palm/CE?<!--content-->You may just have to set up a special site for PDAs that they go to seperatly such as: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://pda.mysite.com">http://pda.mysite.com</a><!-- m -->. Then you can put a message on your main site telling PDA users that they can go directly to this page for info. As the cewindows.net page said, HTML works fine on PDAs with Pocket I.E. 2.0. That page also says that JavaScript is not compatible and that will make it quite difficult to redirect automatically.<br />
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Thanks Whkoh for that link. It has answered some of my questions that I never thought to ask on the forum.<!--content-->