Wrapping images


I have two images on a page like this:<br />
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[image]&nbsp;[image]<br />
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The total length of the two images exceeds 800 pixels so I would like the second image to wrap to the next line if the user does not have a high enough resolution. <br />
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It is contained in a table cell, anyone can help?<!--content-->Not possible my friend. Well not as two images any way. You can't have a browser chop an image where it meets the right border of the browser and expect it to throw it back in on the next line.<br />
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I can not understand why you would want to do this. If you can give me some background I might be able to suggest an alternative for you to try.<br />
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The first thing to come to mind would be to chop the two images up even smaller. This would be a pain to do but would provide the mechanics for the thing you are trying to do. For example by breaking the images down into 10px width sub images.<br />
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As I said... if you provide a "why" I will give you some other help.<!--content-->Take a look at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://gameshipper.com/catalog/">http://gameshipper.com/catalog/</a><!-- m -->. The 'steals and deals' graphic looks bad under the publishers graphic if you are at high resolution. I want it to be side by side of the resolution is large enough to fit it, stay like it is now if resolution is 800x600 or lower.<!--content-->I think it looks fine. If you want it to bleed over then palce the two images side by side, and let the screen res decide how they render. I like to have more control than that and would not do such a thing.<!--content-->Check it again...I think once I get the images lined up right it will look much better this way, that is if the resolution supports it. <br />
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I did what you said (images side by side) and the other one still won't wrap down if I shrink my browser....<!--content-->