WPF read data from XML to list<>


New Member
I need to read data from XML to a List<>.The XML file contains three table formatXML:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?><Test> <Table1> <Column_tb1>8</Column_tb1> </Table1> <Table2> <Column_tb2_AA>1</Column_tb2_AA> <Column_tb2_BB>11</Column_tb2_BB> </Table2> <Table2> <Column_tb2_AA>2</Column_tb2_AA> <Column_tb2_BB>22</Column_tb2_BB> </Table2> <Table3> <Column_tb3_AA>2</Column_tb1_AA> <Column_tb3_BB>1</Column_tb1_BB> <Column_tb3_CC>25</Column_tb1_CC> </Table3></Test>\[/code\]Dataset can read that quite simple,\[code\]DataSet dsProfile = new DataSet();dsProfile.ReadXml(strProfile);\[/code\]By this way three datatables will in dsprofile automatic.How can use a list as a container to save XML file data?if only one table format, i can do that:\[code\]List<Table1> listtable1 = new List<Table1>();XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Table1>));FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite("data.XML");serializer.Serialize(stream, listtable1);\[/code\]But there are 3 types of tables in file. What can i do if i still want to use List<>?Best Regards.