Would you write this code the same way using OOP PHP?


New Member
I'm trying to go oop with one of my scripts. It's a contact script which deals with encodings when sending an email through jQuery's ajax function. I wanted to make the user able to use the same script with two forms in the same page and making it an easy job.Now I've made a prototype of how it's going to be rewritten with oop in mind.It's been really confusing to me, but I'm learning everyday. The most difficult part for me is where should I place my methods and how to make the flow of the script.To demonstrate what I mean, here are some parts of the code I use now :\[code\]/* * Start defining some vars at the runtime */public function __construct($data, $config = array()) { $lang = isset($config['language']) ? $config['language'] : 'en'; $this->_getPhrases($lang); $this->_recieverEmail = isset ($config['reciever_email']) ? filter_var($config['reciever_email'], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL) : die($this->_phrase['noRecieverEmail']); $this->_ajax = ($this->_enableAjax($config['ajax_enabled'])) ? true : false; $this->_data = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3588407/isset($data) ? (is_array($data) ? $data : die($this->_phrase['errors']['dataNotArray'])) : $_POST;}/* * Send the message */public function send() { if(!$this->isDataVaild($this->_data)) { return false; } $this->_data = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3588407/$this->_cleanData($this->_data); $this->setSenderName($this->_data['name']); $this->setSenderEmail($this->_data['email']); $this->_message = $this->_generateMsg($this->data); $PHPMailer = new PHPMailerLite(); $this->_sendUsing($PHPMailer, $this->_message); return true;}\[/code\]I chose these two methods specifically because they are doing most of the work for my script. I use it this way :\[code\]$config = array( 'language' => 'en', 'ajax_enabled' => false, 'reciever_email' => 'recieve@localhost');$contact = new coolContact($_POST, $config);if($contact->send()) { echo 'Message sent with No problems';} else { echo $contact->getErrors();}\[/code\]After all of this, here are my questions:My Questions[*]Should I make the validation inside the \[code\]send()\[/code\] method or inside \[code\]_generateMsg()\[/code\] ?[*]Is this code can be considered oop php?Question 1 can be strange to some people, so let me explain it:After rewriting the code with what I think is oop, I can now use the methods in many orders without breaking the code, That's why I'm confused when and where is the best place to use it.Thanks in advance.