Would you save on server resources here?


New Member
The textBox control really offers nothing new or time saving.<BR>Therefore both of these do the same thing in most situations.<BR>It would seem to me that using TextBox would use more server resources than the top style.<BR><BR><INPUT TYPE="text" ID="FirstName" RUNAT="server" /> <BR><asp:TextBox ID="FirstName" RUNAT="server" /> <BR><BR><BR>What do you think?<BR><BR>RobHey Rob,<BR><BR>That was an interesting question. Off the top of my head I figured it could go either way. So I ran test on it. 2 web forms exactly the same one with the top one with the bottom. I loaded each ten times. The results were sometimes the top method was faster and sometimes the bottom method was faster. There was no clear winner. The max time for either was 0.010014 in my tests. In the control tree, the total page Render size bytes was exactly the same for both 1445. I guess we would have to run a larger scale test to figure it out for sure.<BR><BR>Don R. Wolthuis, MCSDGood!! I am glad you did that.<BR>You see, my attitude from things I have read is only<BR>use Server Controls when you have to. And using the<BR>asp namespace is going to slow things down as opposed<BR>to a straight forward control. I bet if we ran this <BR>test on a listbox and we gave the asp:listbox a number of properties as opposed top a <BR><SELECT ID="myList" runat="server" /><BR>there would be a performance hit.<BR><BR>Just my guess. <BR><BR>Thanks,<BR><BR>Rob<BR>plusasp.com<BR><BR><BR>Hi Rob,<BR><BR>Don didn&#039t mention this, but a visitor to our site, ASPNextGen.com asked a similar question a while back, and we responded with tests and an articel. Take a look at it, it may shed some light.<BR><BR>http://codejunkies.net/aspnextgen/tutorials.asp?tutorialid=17<BR><BR>Doug Seven<BR>Codejunkies.Net / ASPNextGen<BR>[email protected]