Working with mysql-(2)


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Drop or delete a table in MySQL

To delete a table, run

PHP Code: \[code\] drop table table_name; 

This need to be done while you use the database or run following command.

PHP Code: \[code\] drop table db_name.table_name; 

Only delete table if it is exists.

PHP Code: \[code\] drop table if exists db_name.table_name; 

Repair MyISAM table

To find list of corrupted tables

PHP Code: \[code\] myisamchk /var/lib/mysql/DB_NAME/*.MYI >> /root/1.txt 

To rapier a table
PHP Code: \[code\]      cd  /var/lib/mysql/DB_NAME/ 
myisamchk -r TABLE_NAME_HERE.MYI 
To check and repair all tables

PHP Code: \[code\]myisamchk --silent --force --fast --update-state /var/lib/mysql/DB_NAME/*.MYI 