Working with menu

I have this menu set up for the site I am working on. Basically it works as a rollover, that calls a function that makes the corresponding div appear or disappear. Right now, I have it set so once the menu appears, if the mouse goes outside of set pixel areas, the menus disappear on their own. Is there an easier way to detect if the mouse is over the whole div itself?? I believe I tried doing mouseover and mouseout in the div tag, and it was shaky. Any help would be greatly appreciated<!--content-->Hey,<br />
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Try using a nested div tag. Like this:<br />
<br />
<div OnMouseover="function()"><br />
<div> MENU STUFF </div><br />
</div><br />
<br />
Thats what I do and it works good.<br />
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If that isnt what your looking for then please post the code and I would be more than happy to help you out.<br />
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:rocker:<!--content-->I will try and see how that works, but I have submenus coming off of my regular menus, will that effect it working at all. If I go to a submenu part of a category, I dont want the previous part to close up. Does that make sense? Thank for the help.<!--content-->One sec im making a map to show you right now.<!--content-->Ok The big square is the big div. Notice how the whole menu, even the sub's are inside of that big div box. It all stays in view as long as your mouse is over anywhere in the big div box. See what im saying. Hope this helps,<br />
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Am I an artist or what?<!--content-->OK, I think I am getting the gist. So when I make the new div I need to add those dimensions to the style sheet with all the other ones, right?? Can I only make the bid div a square, or can I make ti any shape.<!--content-->Here is one of my sample menus, this is the one that would specifically give me trouble, as the third sub menu is so big. If I did a box around all of it, it would leave a lot of space on the screen that would not count as a mouseout, but would still be off the menu. <br />
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<div id="gen"><br />
<table bgcolor="#4D5471"><br />
<tr><td width=80 height=20 onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'"><a class="menu" href= onClick="javascript:parent.goHome()">Home Page</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'; javascript:check('loc')" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.Site()"><a class="menu" href=>Site Map</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'; javascript:showLocList()" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'"><a class="menu" href=>Locations</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'; javascript:showGen()" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:showHome(); javascript:parent.goTime()"><a class="menu" href=>About Us</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'"><a class="menu" href= onClick="javascript:parent.Job()">Employment</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'"><a class="menu" href= onClick="javascript:parent.Partner()">Partner Links</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'"><a class="menu" href= onClick="javascript:parent.Contact()">Contact Us</a></td></tr><br />
</table><br />
</div><br />
<br />
<div id="loc"><br />
<table bgcolor="#4D5471"><br />
<tr><td width=80 height=20 onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'"><a class="menu" href= onClick="javascript:parent.goMRImap()" onMouseOver="javascript:showLocList(); javascript:showMRIlist()">MRI</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'; javascript:showLocList(); javascript:showlist()" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goCTmap()"><a class="menu" href=>CT</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'; javascript:showLocList(); javascript:showSSlist()" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goSSmap()"><a class="menu" href=>SS</a></td></tr><br />
</table><br />
</div><br />
<br />
<div id="mriloc"><br />
<table bgcolor="#4D5471"><br />
<tr><td width=80 height=20 onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIbo()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 1</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIbr()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 2</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIca()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 3</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIda()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 4</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIfi()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 5</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIgr()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 6</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIle()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 7</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIne()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 8</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIne()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 9</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIsp()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 10</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIwa()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 11</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIwe()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 12</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIwo()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 13</a></td></tr><br />
<tr><td onMouseover="this.bgColor='0084a5'" <br />
onMouseout="this.bgColor='#4D5471'" onClick="javascript:parent.goMRIya()"><a class="menu" href=>Place 14</a></td></tr><br />
</table><br />