Working with a scrolling text box in a slide show


Staff member

First, let me state that I'm not a javascript guru. I'm really a beginner. Thus, I need your help.

I have a javacript slide show that we use here at work. I'm wondering if there is a way to fix a problem we are having.

The problem:

For some slides, the text box adds a scroll bar to accomodate the text. This is fine and does not need to change. However, if you use the scroll bar on the text box to scroll down to see all the text and THEN turn the page to go to the next slide, the text that is in the text box appears, not at the top of the box, but rather in the middle (or wherever the user scrolled to on the previous page). I would like it so that when the user turns the page, the text appears at the top of the box regardless of whether the scroll bar was used on the previous page or not. The text should always appear at the top. The user shouldn't have to scroll up to the top of the box.

Can this be done? I've attached the code below (sans images).

Any help is appreciated.
