Won't stay visable


Hi. This is causing me fits. I have a new computer. I use Lotus Notes for Company email. On this CPU when I brought up L/Notes I did not have any icons on top, for example Send, reply, delete, new memo, forward, etc. I used to just get the "red x in a box."<br />
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I have spent a great amount of time trying to figure out why. This led me this morning to Download <!--more--> "Java script" Low and behold I log onto L/notes and there are all the "buttons". I restart my machine, and log into L/notes, insert my password and the program comes up, then immediately goes away. I have tried this many time. I looked into internet options, advanced in control panel, but I do not know enough to know what I am doing. This is really causing me problems. Any help would be appreciated.<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Bill<!--content-->Not sure this is the right forum for your problem. I'd suggest searching Google for a forum or FAQ site regarding L/notes.<!--content-->Originally posted by Heavy <br />
Not sure this is the right forum for your problem. I'd suggest searching Google for a forum or FAQ site regarding L/notes. <br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://discussions.virtualdr.com/">http://discussions.virtualdr.com/</a><!-- m --> is this websites sister site forum on computers.<!--content-->