I have formatted a php array of data that contains teachers for the columns, and tests for the rows. I am using this same array for a ColumnChart and a Table. The data is correctly setup for the ColumnChart, but when I use it on the Table, the data is coming out opposite what I want it to (the teachers need to be on the left, and the tests need to be on the top).Is there an easy way to switch the x and y axis's with Google Visualization without having to format it on the PHP side?Here is some dummy GV stuff.\[code\]var data = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10557815/new google.visualization.DataTable(studentdata, 0.5);var table = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById(container)); var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById(container2)); table.draw(data, options); chart.draw(data, options);\[/code\]