wireless tookit, can磘 build project


Staff member
I have problems in building a project with the Ktoobar feature in
the J2ME Wirelless tookit.
I start a new project nicely, I then put my MIDP code in the /apps/src directory like I磎 supose to.I hit Build and I get the erro message "Build Failed", in the console appears the

Project "hellomidlet" loaded
Project settings saved
Building "hellomidlet"
No sources to compile
Build failed

I磎 following the Device Programming: MiDP for Palm tutorial from

SUN, this is the link

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sun.com/developers/evangcentral/totallytech/midp_prog_">http://www.sun.com/developers/evangcent ... midp_prog_</a><!-- m -->


I hope you guys can help me.