"Windows XP date/time calendar" diary


Listen up! I have a site about culture in my city! I am trying to do a diary of cultural events/parties/shows that looks like Windows XP's calendar. Even the colors of Windows XP date/time calendar match perfectly in my site.<br />
So, every day that has some event will be bold or something, and when people click, it will open another page detailing the events. Anyone can help me setting this up? (I know, too much work)<!--content-->sure, but if you do it in plain html you will have to edit the html veryday and bold the one that is in the days date.<br />
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then if they are link or have a link to view them just set the target to a blank page target="_blank"<br />
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then you will have to have a seperate htmlpage fro evey thing that is on the calendar. sure sounds hard huh?<br />
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well I can tell you if you go the other way and use a Database and some form of serverside language then it will make things a lot easier, but getting to that point will take a while if you don't know any serverside languages.<!--content-->Yes, well, it seems it will be a very hard work, depending on how I make it (especially since I don't know any server side language)<br />
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Well, what if there was some kind of Javascript that would bold it according to the day it was. Would that be possible?<br />
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And about the basic layout of the calendar, how do you suggest I make it? A table divided in like a lot of cells (one per day)? Or maybe a big MAPPED image? Or maybe that genious idea you are having right now?<br />
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Well, I'll be running.<!--content-->you might be able to do the javascript thing. but I couldn't help you with that. I would go with the table layout as that seems the norm of doing it.<!--content-->Ok i will think of a way (probably asking for help) of doing the javascript thing. However, the layout would have to be very close to this:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.circuitobrasil.com/misc/calendar.gif">http://www.circuitobrasil.com/misc/calendar.gif</a><!-- m --><br />
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So I guess a table just wouldn't do.<br />
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Well, thanks anyways.<!--content-->Couple of things:<br />
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You could do all the calendar functionality in Javascript. Go to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.a1javascript.com">www.a1javascript.com</a><!-- w --> and search on "calendar".<br />
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Secondly, with a half-decent graphics package to create the edges, background, and borders, you could use a table design that would closely reflect the picture you posted.<!--content-->A1Javascripts will be most usefull, but as for the other matter.<br />
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I bet I coudn't make a table look like that in like -- a thousand years. And I have a lot of good graphic tools, by the way!<br />
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Maybe you could tell me how to make a table look like that or something, cause I just don't know!<!--content-->Look at the top of this page.<br />
See the Big Resources Netwrok toolbar (the one with all the mascots in)? That's a table. <br />
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You see, anything is possible with imagination (not that I am a great fan of that particular example, sorry Jason).<br />
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All you need to do is take the graphic, superimpose an imaginary grid over it and split the image accordingly. For example top row, first cell will be the top left corner of the calendar. You probably won't even get to the table's content until row 3, the first two rows being purely graphics.<!--content-->I get your point. I had seen (and used) tables that way before, I just never thought about using that for this matter. Thanks a lot for your help.<!--content-->