Windows Form XML Serilization Save Dialog


New Member
im stuck with this stupid form... heres my code. It saves it where the streamwriter wants it to but when i save it where the user wants via the savedialog box is creates the XML but doesnt put anything in it! Can someone have a look as it's starting to wind me up!\[code\]void SavebuttonClick(object sender, EventArgs e){ Stream myStream ; SaveFileDialog savefile1 = new SaveFileDialog(); savefile1.Filter = "xml files |*.xml" ; savefile1.FilterIndex = 2 ; savefile1.RestoreDirectory = true ; if(savefile1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if((myStream = savefile1.OpenFile()) != null) { Values v = new Values(); v.task1_name = this.task1_name.Text; v.task1_desc = this.task1_desc.Text; v.task1_date = this.task1_date.Value; v.task1_time = this.task1_time.Value; SaveValues(v); } myStream.Close(); }}\[/code\]This is the streamwriter... \[code\]public void SaveValues(Values v){ XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Values)); using(TextWriter textWriter = new StreamWriter(@"E:\TheFileYouWantToStore.xml")) { serializer.Serialize(textWriter, v); }...}\[/code\]EDIT:\[code\]public class Values {public string task1_name { get; set;}public string task1_desc { get; set;}public DateTime task1_date { get; set;}public DateTime task1_time { get; set;}}\[/code\]I presume this is the code you meant, im fairly new to coding though mate :(