Windows can't show [姗


Special characters. Like ? ? ? Why does Internet Explorer not show ?properly, but other characters? <br />
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Look in the title bar. It has a little ?solid block, like an error, like it can't process that character. But if you look in the HTML page an inch below, it appears to render it just fine...<br />
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Windows problem?<br />
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Original thread (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->).<!--content-->you worry about windows to much. you are trying to find the littlest things wrong with windows when it doesn't matter. don't you have anything better to do??? :)<br />
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actually it is the browser that has problems. look at NS as it can't display it right even when it is in the page.<br />
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maybe that is why MS didn't even put the &trade; in the title. But I do believe it is showing it, it's just that it is so squished you can't read it.<br />
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besides I never look at the title of a webpage. I am more interested in the content<!--content-->shows fine in my title bar, just one of lifes little mysteries I guess..... You probably have the little known anti-tm virus on your computer, it doesn't do anything but make it so TM will not display in title bars, the only way to get rid of it is to reformat the HDD and reinstall windows.<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
you worry about windows to much. you are trying to find the littlest things wrong with windows when it doesn't matter. don't you have anything better to do??? :)<br />
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actually it is the browser that has problems. look at NS as it can't display it right even when it is in the page.<br />
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maybe that is why MS didn't even put the &trade; in the title. But I do believe it is showing it, it's just that it is so squished you can't read it.<br />
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besides I never look at the title of a webpage. I am more interested in the content <br />
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I don't think the text in the title bar is actually handled by the browser, its handled by the system font if I'm not mistaken.<!--content-->true kevin, that would explain why it look like it shows but it is squished. you can control teh text just not hte font. makes sense I guess.<br />
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man postitlord you were proven wrong again... :) it is not a windows fault<br />
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You probably have the little known anti-tm virus on your computer, it doesn't do anything but make it so TM will not display in title bars, the only way to get rid of it is to reformat the HDD and reinstall windows.<br />
:D<br />
don't give him anymore fuel than he already has. next he'll come back and say the install program is faulty.... :D lol<!--content-->actually, I think rebuilding the pc from time to time is not a bad idea. It really gets the user into the swing of the whole install/ maintainance thing. <br />
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Posti, just remember... fdisk. Say it with me now... fdisk. fdisk. fdisk.<!--content-->hehehe.... If I remember PL was having a mini crisis deciding if he should install a scroll wheel mouse to replace his regular mouse.... I can seee him now contemplating an HDD format and a reinstall of windows....<br />
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PL thinking it over then doing it:<br />
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stage one - :shady:<br />
stage two - :bluescrn: <br />
stage three - =:O <br />
stage four - :crying: <br />
stage five - :gunner:<!--content-->:rofl: Giggling myself silly here...<br />
1. I took who-ever-s advice and am abstaining from computers as much as possible. As getting into the sun and blue skys, that trickier as exams approach. <br />
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2. I have wanted to do system reinstalls for long time, to my elderly computer in the basement, and to my dads primary one. My dads affraid I'll "muck it up" so I have to respect his wishes and not touch the Win98SE good dad's one. <br />
Downstairs I want to reinstall! It needs it! But no Win95 CD. Just a used 32RAM 2GD PMMXI for $100 and keyboard. I got it a good deal since the store was going out of business.<br />
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fdisk. fdisk.<!--content-->