Windows 8 Application - Single Sign On In App - Not Domain joined


New Member
I am building a Windows 8 application where I would capture and store credentials using the Password Vault. I would like to then use them for all HTTPS requests to a specific domain. This is easy enough for single requests but I would like it to be seamless. I cannot use the enterprise authentication capability in the manifest because these machines are not joined to a domain. I have looked at the Web Authentication broker but this seems to be directed towards using OAuth.My question is, is there a way to either:\[code\]1) Enable Enterprise Authentication and white-list the domain to usethese credentials for?2) Use Web Authentication to somehow usemy credentials (that I capture during initial launch) for all HTTPSrequests without OAuth? 3) If none of the above work, what is thebest way to use credentials that are in the Password Vault for allHTTP requests to a specific domain, rather than pragmaticallysubmitting them with each request? (want this to be seamless so Ican write HTML without calling on this JavaScript function eachtime. Thanks!\[/code\]