window scale-able


Staff member
Hi<br />
who can help me. I made a page and i want the page to be resizeable and scaleable. I put an image as background and put some table's for content. No i want when i make the window smaller or bigger, the image and tables size with it.The layout mustn't get ugly.<br />
I hope someone can help me or has a script for this.<br />
Thanks<!--content-->I don't think what you are asking for is actually possible. IF it is I would imagine it would take a hell of a lot of work. As far as I know when you change the size of a window you cannot shrink your display to fit in it. <br />
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Try designing your site in a low resolution and that way there will be less problems.:)<!--content-->It is possible to design webpages for different resolutions that display different size images and so forth.<br />
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What you can do is use a JAVA script that detects the resolution of the window and displays the appropriate page for the resolution. <br />
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You can probably find something on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Regards,<br />