Window Resizing Problem


New Member
Ok guys this is a script i tried to run on my site however it doesnt work ... The purpose of the script is to maximize the window if it isn't already maximized or to reset the size to a set measurement as seen in the code

function resize(){

if ( window.height == screen.height ) {
top.window.resizeTo ( Math.ceil( "800" ) , Math.ceil( "600" ) );
top.window.moveTo ( Math.ceil( "50" ) , Math.ceil( "50" ) );
} else {
top.window.resizeTo ( Math.ceil( screen.width ) , Math.ceil( screen.height ) );
top.window.moveTo ( Math.ceil( "0" ) , Math.ceil( "0" ) );

Another fact is that the window was opened by script:"full.htm", "", "fullscreen=1,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0");